

February 2016

Tamini PST travelling on the River Elbe.

At Hradec u Kadan, a small village located not far from Prague, 4 PSTs (Phase Shifting Transformers) units designed and manufactured by Tamini will be installed and commissioned by the end of the year, as a result of a significant order placed by CEPS, the Czech Republic TSO.
The project is strategically important for the power grid infrastructure of the country. The 4 PSTs will effectively optimize the energy transmission from Germany, reducing the risk of blackouts and ensuring the continuity and efficiency of the network service.
The first PST, made up of two transformers named Series and Exciter, has reached its destination few days ago, on the 8th February, 2016.
It started from our plant in Legnano (Milan) at the end of November 2015 to be board on a ship at Chioggia Seaport (Venice). After 15 days the PST arrived in Rotterdam where it was loaded on two barges (one for each transformer) and, through waterways, it reached the River Elbe. The barges had to make several stops in the ports of various cities. The water level of the river was too low for navigation, somewhere lower than two meters, and they had to wait for the rains. Finally, the PST arrived in the port of Lovosice and it was transported by truck to the ultimate destination.
Its installation will take about two months and will be supervised by specialized Tamini’s technicians.
The second PST is now ready to go, taking the same route.

Phase Shifting Transformers - Series Unit - Rotterdam Sea-Port (Netherlands)
Phase Shifting Transformers - Series Unit - Rotterdam Sea-Port (Netherlands)
Phase Shifting Transformers travelling on the River Elbe
Phase Shifting Transformers - Series Unit - Lovosice River-Port (Czech Republic)
Phase Shifting Transformers - Series Unit - Lovosice River-Port (Czech Republic)
Phase Shifting Transformers - Exciter Unit - Lovosice River-Port (Czech Republic)
Phase Shifting Transformers - Exciter Unit - Lovosice River-Port (Czech Republic)
Phase Shifting Transformers - Series Unit
Phase Shifting Transformers - Series Unit
Phase Shifting Transformers - Exciter Unit
Phase Shifting Transformers - Hradec u Kadan (Czech Republic)